MONTREAL, November 13, 2018 - Three well-known names in the field of forensic accounting, André Lepage, Luc Marcil and Alain David, today launched their boutique-firm, Lepage Marcil David Forensic Accountants Inc. ("LMD").
True pioneers in their field, these renowned professionals have decided to join their expertise in a firm dedicated exclusively to the practice of forensic accounting. "We have known each other for many years, and we have also worked in the same large organizations in the past. I could not hope for a better association than this one, "said André Lepage.
André is a Fellow Chartered Professional Accountant (FCPA, FCA). He also holds the designation as a specialist in Investigative and Forensic Accounting (CA•IFA), the designation as Certified in Financial Forensics from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CFF) as well as the designation as a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). He is also a former police officer. Throughout his career, André has worked in large organizations: Canadian National ("CN"), Deloitte, Navigant Consulting and EY.
Luc Marcil is a Lawyer and a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA). He also holds the CA•IFA and CFF designations. Luc has practiced in the field of forensic accounting at Deloitte, Navigant Consulting and Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton before founding Innovus Forensic Accounting Experts Inc. in 2017.
Alain David is a CPA, CA. He also holds the CFE and CFF designations. Alain has practiced in forensic accounting at CN, Deloitte, LBC and finally for the accounting firm BDO, before joining LMD. He has extensive experience in forensic accounting and has developed solid expertise in the valuation of economic losses in the context of business interruption insurance claims.
Between them, the partners have nearly 90 years of experience in forensic accounting, which will make their firm a heavyweight in its field despite its small structure. "We are undoubtedly the most experienced boutique-firm in our field, and we can provide our customers with high-quality services at highly competitive rates," said Luc Marcil.
A vast and solid expertise
The boutique-firm offers services in the following areas:
Assessment of economic loss in the context of a dispute or insurance claim;
Investigation of suspicions or allegations of irregularities or fraud and corruption;
Business valuation;
Forensic computing and cybersecurity;
Compliance audits in connection with anti-money laundering and the corruption of foreign officials’ legislation.
Forensic accounting is an area that requires skills that are both broad and sophisticated. A challenge all the greater for forensic accountants as technology provides fraudsters with new tools that did not exist in the past. Case in point, the phenomenon of bitcoins: "Tracking money or following the money, as they say - is a task that is becoming more and more difficult. This requires solid expertise to find and identify all the pieces of the accounting and financial puzzle, "says Alain David.
During their careers, these three highly experienced forensic accountants also had the opportunity to carry out complex and large-scale mandates, some of which led them to the four corners of the planet.
They have also worked for companies or organizations in a wide variety of fields: agri-food, financial institutions, manufacturing, government, etc., and are therefore able to cope with all kinds of situations and environments.
A light structure
Thanks to its structure and its exclusive dedication to the practice of forensic accounting, the new boutique-firm is based on a business model that allows it to be flexible, agile and fast, with no compromise whatsoever to the standards of quality and rigour that characterize the work of the three partners.
Our business model promotes efficiency, with the right resources in the right place, it keeps administration costs to its bare essentials and allows us to forego administration fees, which are abhorrent to most clients.
At the cutting edge of technology, the three professionals ensure the renewal of their knowledge base and that of their staff through continuous training. Over the years, they have trained many forensic accountants who practice today in renowned firms, including some internationally.
LMD's clients will also benefit from the network and privileged links that the three professionals have forged over the years with forensic accountants in Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia as well as LMD’s membership in various professional associations.
Moreover, by practicing exclusively in forensic accounting, LMD will never or almost never be confronted with conflicts of interest or business conflicts, these situations frequently occurring in large firms. This is why, during their career, André Lepage, Luc Marcil and Alain David have often been called upon to take over for colleagues in this type of situation.
LMD can also be an attractive alternative for small CPA firms with forensic accounting needs for their clients, but who do not offer such services themselves.
André Lepage: 514 664-4747, ext. 100
Luc Marcil: 514 664-4747, ext. 200
Alain David: 514 664-4747, ext. 300
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